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薛健佑 (Chien-Yu Hsueh)


  • 學歷
    • 國立陽明交通大學 腦科學研究所 博士候選人
    • 國立陽明大學 醫學系 醫學士
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 台北榮民總醫院 耳鼻喉頭頸醫學部 主治醫師
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 醫學系 部定講師
    • - 迄今 台灣醫學教育學會 『醫學臨床技能測驗OSCE』考官
    • - 史丹佛大學醫學院耳鼻喉科暨小兒耳鼻喉科 訪問學者
    • - 台灣耳鳴學會 副秘書長 (2021-2024)
    • - 臺北榮總玉里分院耳鼻喉科 主治醫師
    • - 臺北榮總耳鼻喉頭頸醫學部耳科 臨床研究醫師
    • - 臺北榮總耳鼻喉頭頸醫學部 住院醫師暨總醫師
    • - 國防醫學院醫學系 臨床指導教師
    • - 美國約翰霍普金斯大學聽力及老化研究醫師
    • - 新加坡中央醫院鼻竇及顱底手術研習訓練結業
    • - 台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會手術研習結業
    • - 台灣耳科醫學會顳骨研習結業
  • 醫療專長
    1. 耳內視鏡手術、微創中耳手術
    2. 膽脂瘤手術、慢性中耳炎手術
    3. 耳咽管氣球擴張手術
    4. 耳硬化症手術
    5. 急性中耳炎、積液性中耳炎、外耳炎
    6. 眩暈之診斷與治療
    7. 突發性耳聾、耳鳴、聽力障礙及助聽器選配諮詢
    8. 周邊型顏面神經麻痺之診斷與治療
    9. 小兒耳鼻喉科疾病診斷與治療
    10. 過敏性鼻炎、鼻竇炎診斷及功能性內視鏡手術
    11. 鼻中膈彎曲及下鼻甲微創手術
    12. 打鼾及睡眠呼吸中止症之診斷與治療


期刊論文(Journal Papers)

  1. Huang CY, Cheng YF, Yang AC, Lin CJ, Ieong PI, Hsueh CY* “The moderating effect of personality traits on acute tinnitus sensation in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.“ J Chin Med Assoc. 2022 May 1;85(5):633-638. (2022
  2. Hsueh, CY; Huang, CY; Yang CF; Chang CC; Lin WS; Cheng, SL; Wu, SL; Cheng, YF; Niu, DM, “Hearing characteristics of infantile-onset Pompe disease after early enzyme-replacement therapy”, Orphanet J Rare Dis 16, 348 (2021
  3. Hsueh, CY; Yang, CF; Gau, JP; Kuan, E.C; Ho, CY; Chiou, TJ; Hsiao, LT; Lin, TA; Lan, MY. “Nasopharyngeal Lymphoma: A 22-Year Review of 35 Cases”. J. Clin. Med. 20198(10), 1604. 
  4. 饒曼齡, 薛健佑*。聽能復健。《臨床醫學月刊》,93(1), 16-19。 (2024)
  5. 薛健佑。耳咽管功能障礙。《臨床醫學月刊》,92(6), 775-778。 (2023)


研討會論文(Conference Papers)​

  1. Hsueh CY, How I Learn and Perform Surgery of EAC Cancer and Lateral Skull Base, The 116th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2024 May 04-05, Yunlin, Taiwan
  2. Hsueh CY, Yang AC, Resting-State Functional Connectivity Between Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Insula Moderate the Severity of Tinnitus Distress in Hearing Loss Individuals, The 16th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (16th TJCOHNS), 2023/12/16-12/17
  3. Hsueh CY, Huang CY, Yang AC "Brain Abnormalities Moderate Tinnitus Distress in the Hearing Loss People: A Structural and Functional MRI Study" 2023 Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference, Dublin, Ireland (2023/6/6-6/9)
  4. Hsueh CY,  AC Yang, Huang CY, Investigating the Global Functional Connectivity in the Patients with Sensorineural Hearing Loss Using Resting State fMRI - a Preliminary Report, The 113th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2022 Nov 19-20, Taipei, Taiwan
  5. Hsueh CY,  Ieong PI, Huang CY, The effect of hearing recovery status on the acute tinnitus sensation of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss cases, The 111th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2021 Nov 20-21, Chunghua, Taiwan
  6. Hsueh CY, Huang CY, Cheng YF, Hearing Characteristics of Infantile-Onset Pompe Disease After Enzyme-Replacement Therapy. The 109th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2020 Nov 28-29, Taipei, Taiwan
  7. Hsueh CY, Huang CY, Cheng YF “VeryEarly Enzyme-Replacement Therapy for Infantile-Onset Pompe Disease Contributes to better Hearing Outcomes” AAO-HNSF 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting & OTO Experience (2020/9/13-10/25)
  8. Hsueh CY, Yang CF, Ho CY, Lan MY.  Nasopharyngeal Lymphoma – 22-year Experience of Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The 107th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2019 Nov 2-3, Kaohsiung, Taiwan      
  9. Hsueh CY, Yang CF, Ho CY, Lan MY.  Nasopharyngeal Lymphoma: A 22-Year Review of 35 Cases. 5th Congress of European ORL-HNS, Brussels, Belgium (2019/6/29-7/3)
  10. Hsueh CY, Yang CF, Ho CY, Lan MY. Sinonasal and Nasopharyngeal Lymphoma – 20-year Experience of Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The 103th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2017 Nov 11-12, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  11. Hsueh CY, Ho CY. Effects of NewEpi ® for the crust formation over nasopharynx in post-irradiation nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients The 100th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Otolaryngology Society; 2016 May 21-22, Kaohsiung, Taiwan



1.​ 探討以反射聲波結合耳內收音技術建構中耳積液檢查之研究。國科會,2024-2025

2. 家族性澱粉樣多發性神經病變的耳神經科學表現。衛生福利部國民健康署, 2024-2025

3. 利用科技輔助進行慢性周邊型前庭功能低下復健。臺北榮總院內計畫,2024 

4. 臺北榮總顳骨解剖暨側顱底手術課程教學計畫。臺北榮總院內計畫, 2024-2025

5. 以核磁共振腦影像特徵建立聽損者腦齡變化軌跡之預測模型, 2025


  1. 耳朵悶塞感怎麼辦?淺談耳咽管功能障礙。
  2. 關於小兒中耳積水觀念分享
  3. 耳朵不舒服,干鼻子甚麼事?淺談中耳負壓、積液性中耳炎、耳膜凹陷袋、中耳膽脂瘤。
  4. 頭暈步態不穩嗎?可能是雙側前庭功能低下!
  5. 聽力不好,開刀會好嗎?耳朵內視鏡手術更好嗎?
  6. 睡的不好,耳鳴更大聲? 淺談耳鳴與睡眠障礙的關係
  7. 打完疫苗後聽不到、耳鳴、頭暈?


  1. 薛健佑-耳咽管功能障礙與治療
  2. 薛健佑-前庭復健運動
