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5. Shen CC, Hu YW, Hu LY, Perng CL, Su TP, Teng CJ, Yen SH, Tzeng CH, Chiou TJ, Yeh CM et al: The Risk of Cancer among Taiwanese Female Registered Nurses: A Nationwide Retrospective Study. PloS one 2013, 8(7):e68420.
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8. Hu LY, Liu CJ, Lu T, Hu TM, Tsai CF, Hu YW, Shen CC, Chang YS, Chen MH, Teng CJ et al: Delayed onset urticaria in depressive patients with bupropion prescription: a nationwide population-based study. PloS one 2013, 8(11):e80064.
9. Perng CL, Shen CC, Hu LY, Yeh CM, Chen MH, Tsai CF, Chiang HL, Hung YP, Su VY, Hu YW et al: Risk of Depressive Disorder following Non-Alcoholic Cirrhosis: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. PloS one 2014, 9(2):e88721.
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12. Hung JH, Hu LY, Tsai SJ, Yang AC, Huang MW, Chen PM, Wang SL, Lu T, Shen CC: Risk of Psychiatric Disorders following Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. PloS one 2014, 9(5):e97041.
13. Hu LY, Ku FC, Wang YP, Shen CC, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Chen PM, Chiang HL, Lu T, Chen TJ et al: Anxiety and depressive disorders among patients with esophageal cancer in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study. Support Care Cancer 2014.
14. Lin WS, Hu LY, Liu CJ, Hsu CC, Shen CC, Wang YP, Hu YW, Tsai CF, Yeh CM, Chen PM et al: Gastroesophageal reflux disease and risk for bipolar disorder: a nationwide population-based study. PloS one 2014, 9(9):e107694.
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18. Kuan AS, Teng CJ, Wu HH, Su VY, Chen YT, Chien SH, Yeh CM, Hu LY, Chen TJ, Tzeng CH et al: Risk of ischemic stroke in patients with ovarian cancer: a nationwide population-based study. BMC Med 2014, 12:53.
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21. Liu CJ, Hu LY, Yeh CM, Hu YW, Chen PM, Chen TJ, Lu T: Irritable brain caused by irritable bowel? A nationwide analysis for irritable bowel syndrome and risk of bipolar disorder. PloS one 2015, 10(3):e0118209.
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26. Hsu CC, Lin CJ, Lu T, Hu LY: Risperidone exacerbates Psychosis: A paradoxical phenomenon? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2015.
27. Chang HS, Chen PM, Lu T, Hu LY: Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis: Should psychiatrists shoulder the responsibility for a non-psychiatric disorder? J Neurol Sci 2015.
28. Wang JK, Hu LY, Lee YT: The lesson for us in a bipolar disorder patient comorbid with dissociative amnesia. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2015.
29. Lee YT, Hu LY, Shen CC, Huang MW, Tsai SJ, Yang AC, Hu CK, Perng CL, Huang YS, Hung JH: Risk of Psychiatric Disorders following Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. PloS one 2015, 10(7):e0133283.
30. Wu TH, Hu LY, Lu T, Chen PM, Chen HJ, Shen CC, Wen CH: Risk of psychiatric disorders following trigeminal neuralgia: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study. J Headache Pain 2015, 16:64.
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37. Hu LY, Lee YT, Lu T, Hung MB, Hung YY: Using aripiprazole to treat new-onset hyperprolactinemia-related delusion of pregnancy. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2015, 49(10):946.
38. Chen CY, Liu CJ, Feng JY, Loong CC, Liu C, Hsia CY, Hu LY, Lin NC, Hu YW, Yeh CM et al: Incidence and Risk Factors for Tuberculosis After Liver Transplantation in an Endemic Area: A Nationwide Population-Based Matched Cohort Study. Am J Transplant 2015, 15(8):2180-2187.
39. Shen CC, Hu LY, Yang AC, Kuo BI, Chiang YY, Tsai SJ: Risk of Psychiatric Disorders following Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Nationwide Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study. J Rheumatol 2016.
40. Tseng CC, Hu LY, Liu ME, Yang AC, Shen CC, Tsai SJ: Bidirectional association between Bell's palsy and anxiety disorders: A nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study. J Affect Disord 2017, 215:269-273.
41. Lee SC, Hu LY, Huang MW, Shen CC, Huang WL, Lu T, Hsu CL, Pan CC: Risk of Vertebral Fracture in Patients Diagnosed with a Depressive Disorder: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2017, 72(1):44-50.
42. Lin LT, Hu LY, Tang PL, Tsui KH, Cheng JT, Huang WC, Chang HT: Do racial differences exist in the association between pregnancy-induced hypertension and breast cancer risk? Hypertens Pregnancy 2017:1-7.
43. Shen CC, Hu LY, Hu YH: Comorbidity study of borderline personality disorder: applying association rule mining to the Taiwan national health insurance research database. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2017, 17(1):8.
44. Shen CC, Hu LY, Yang AC, Chiang YY, Hung JH, Tsai SJ: Risk of uterine, ovarian and breast cancer following pelvic inflammatory disease: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study. BMC Cancer 2016, 16(1):839.
45. Shen CC, Hu LY, Tsai SJ, Yang AC, Chen PM, Hu YH: Risk stratification for the early diagnosis of borderline personality disorder using psychiatric co-morbidities. Early Interv Psychiatry 2016.
46. Hu LY, Huang MW, Ke SW, Tsai CF: The distance function effect on k-nearest neighbor classification for medical datasets. Springerplus 2016, 5(1):1304.
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49. Hsu YW, Hu LY, Pan CC, Chung YC: Have we underestimated the possibility of cultural differences affecting prescription of hormone treatment for individuals with gender dysphoria? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2017, 51(2):198-199.
50. Lin WC, Hu LY, Tsai SJ, Yang AC, Shen CC: Depression and the risk of vascular dementia: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017, 32(5):556-563.
51. Tseng CC, Hu LY, Liu ME, Yang AC, Shen CC, Tsai SJ: Risk of depressive disorders following sudden sensorineural hearing loss: A nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study. J Affect Disord 2016, 197:94-99.
52. Hu LY, Lu T, Chen YT: Have we underestimated the possibility of bupropion sustained-release addiction? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2016, 50(9):925-926.
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54. Fan WC, Ou SM, Feng JY, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Su VY, Hu LY, Chien SH, Su WJ, Chen TJ et al: Increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2016, 20(2):265-270.
55. Su VY, Hu LY, Yeh CM, Chiang HL, Shen CC, Chou KT, Chen TJ, Lu T, Tzeng CH, Liu CJ: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with increased risk of bipolar disorder. Chron Respir Dis 2017, 14(2):151-160.
56. Pan CC, Hu LY, Lu T, Tu MS, Shen CC, Chen ZJ: Risk of hip fractures in patients with depressive disorders: A nationwide, population-based, retrospective, cohort study. PloS one 2018, 13(4):e0194961.
57. Lee SC, Hu CK, Hung JH, Yang AC, Tsai SJ, Huang MW, Hu LY, Shen CC: Risk of sexual transmitted infection following bipolar disorder: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Oncotarget 2018, 9(25):17533-17542.
58. Chiang YC, Hu LY, Couper J, Cheng CC, Wang LH, Huang WC, Lu T: Exploring the experiences and psychosocial stresses of Taiwanese patients with pulmonary hypertension: a qualitative interview study. Pulmonary circulation 2018, 8(3):2045894018787479.
59. Hu LY, Liu CJ, Yeh CM, Lu T, Hu YW, Chen TJ, Chen PM, Lee SC, Chang CH: Depressive disorders among patients with gastric cancer in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study. BMC psychiatry 2018, 18(1):272.
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61. Hsu CL, Tsai SJ, Shen CC, Lu T, Hung YM, Hu LY: Risk of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in patients with depressive disorders: a nationwide population-based cohort study. BMJ open 2019, 9(3):e026936.
62. Shyu IL, Hu LY, Chen YJ, Wang PH, Huang BS: Risk factors for developing depression in women with cervical cancer: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. International journal of women's health 2019, 11:135-141.
63. Hu LY, Lu T, Chen PM, Shen CC, Hung YM, Hsu CL: Should clinicians pay more attention to the potential underdiagnosis of osteoporosis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis? A national population-based study in Taiwan. PloS one 2019, 14(2):e0211835.
64. Tuan SH, Hu LY, Sun SF, Huang WY, Chen GB, Li MH, Liou IH: Risk of osteoporotic fractures as a consequence of haemophilia: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia 2019.