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李宗倫 (Tsung-Lun Lee)


  • 學歷
    • 國立陽明大學醫學系
  • 經歷
    • 2009- 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院耳鼻喉部喉頭頸科 主治醫師
    • - 迄今 國立陽明大學 部定講師
    • - 迄今 台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會 副祕書長
    • - 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 耳鼻喉頭頸醫學部 病房主任
    • 2014- 2015 美國密西根大學醫學中心 頭頸外科訪問學者
    • - 美國密西根大學 音聲中心 進修
    • - 台灣音聲醫學研究會 秘書長(代理)
  • 醫療專長
    1. 口腔癌、咽喉癌及雷射/達文西機械手臂微創手術
    2. 甲狀腺與唾液腺腫瘤
    3. 睡眠呼吸中止症
    4. 嗓音異常之診斷、治療


論文 (十年內第一作者及通訊作者)

1. Tsung-Lun Lee, Tien-Hua Chen, Ying-Ju Kuo, Hsin-Yi Lan, Muh-Hwa Yang, Pen-Yuan Chu. Tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia promotes angiogenesis and metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Neoplasia. 2022 Nov 18;35:100855. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2022.100855.

2. Tsung-Lun Lee, Pei-Yin Wei, Shyh-Kuan Tai. Effect of local anesthesia on pain scale and specimen adequacy in fine-needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules for liquid-based cytology. Scientific Reports, 2022 Nov 2;12(1):18498. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-23031-0.

3. Tsung-Lun Lee, Yen-Ting Lee, Shyh-Kuan Tai. Neck management in T1-2 early-stage oral squamous cell carcinoma. International Journal of Head and Neck Science 2022 June 6(2): 45-56. DOI:10.6696/IJHNS.202206_6(2).0001

4. Tsung-Lun Lee, Pei-Yin Wei, Muh-Hwa Yang, Peter Mu-Hsin Chang, Ling-Wei Wang, Shyh-Kuan Tai. Tongue conservation treatment for oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma with induction chemotherapy, surgery, and risk-adapted adjuvant therapy: A phase II trial. Cancer Rep. 2021 May 29;e1456.

5. Tsung-Lun Lee, Po-Hsien Chiu, Wing-Yin Li, Muh-Hwa Yang, Pei-Yin Wei, Pen-Yuan Chu, Yi-Fen Wang, Shyh-Kuan Tai. Nerve-tumour interaction enhances aggressiveness of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Otolaryngol. 2019 Nov;44:1087-95

6. Lu YT, Tai SK, Lee TL. Pterygomandibular suspension suture: a simple modification of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty for severe obstructive sleep apnea. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Jan;275:269-273.

7. Critical airway induced by formalin injection: case report. Yeh CF, Lee TLJ Laryngl Otol. 2014 Jan;128:107-9

8. Tsung-Lun Lee, Ling-Wei Wang, Peter Mu-Hsin Chang, Pen-Yuan Chu*. Quality of Life for patients with Hypopharyngeal Cancer Following Different Therapeutic Modalities. Head Neck. 2013 Feb;35:280-5
