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Glutarex-1 Added Iron-Limited Amino Acid Medical Food


Free of lysine and tryptophan


Note: This product is only for use by infants and young children who have been diagnosed with type 1 glutaric acidemia by a physician. When using this product, an additional precise amount of protein must be supplemented to meet the requirements of lysine and tryptophan. This product is not intended for intravenous injection.


How to use: Please use the correct brewing according to the doctor's instructions. Continuing consumption of improperly brewed medical foods may result in illness.


Brewing instructions: Each patient will have different brewing instructions due to different needs. Please brew as directed by your physician.


Brewing 24 hours amount:


1. Please boil the feeding bottle, nipple, milk plug and brewing utensils for 5 minutes, then cool them down for later use.


2. Boil a large amount of water and let it cool for later use.


3. Place the indicated amounts of Glutarex-1, protein, and other ingredients into a sterilized mixing container. Glutarex-1 must be accurately weighed on a scale that can be read to the gram.


4. Add an appropriate amount of water that has been boiled and cooled to room temperature to adjust to the required amount for 24 hours. Stir with a blender for no more than 5 seconds or cover the sterilized container tightly and shake well for 10-12 seconds.


5. Pour the prepared medical food mixture into a sterilized feeding bottle, cover it, and store it in the refrigerator for later use.


6. Please mix thoroughly before eating each time. If heating is required, please test the temperature before feeding.


If feeding by cup, pour the prepared medical food mixture into a covered container and store in the refrigerator. Before each consumption, please mix well and then pour into the cup, and feed as soon as possible. Please use it up within 24 hours after preparation. After each feeding, please discard the remaining mixture in the bottle or cup.


Storage method: Do not place this product in high temperature, please store unopened product at room temperature. After opening, the product should be stored in the refrigerator with the lid on, and used up within one month after opening.


Warning: This medical product cannot be boiled or sterilized at high temperature. Do not prepare or heat this product in a microwave oven, as this could result in severe burns.


Manufacturer: Ross Products Department of Abbott Pharmaceuticals, USA


Address: COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-1724 USA


Importer: American Abbott Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch


Address: 6th Floor, No. 51, Section 3, Minsheng East Road, Taipei


Free service line: 0800-008-828

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