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楊傑思 (Chieh-Szu Yang)


  • 學歷
    • 中國醫藥大學醫學系畢業
    • 陽明交通大學臨床醫學研究所博士班畢業
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 北榮骨科部關節重建科暨骨腫瘤治療中心主治醫師
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學醫學系助理教授
    • - 迄今 KSRR雜誌編輯
    • - 迄今 國際外固定學會技術顧問委員會(AOTK)國際教師
    • - 迄今 關節重建醫學會(台灣)理事會成員
    • - 迄今 台灣電腦輔助骨科手術醫學會秘書長
    • - 榮獲第十五屆國家創新獎-退化性內翻膝關節炎3D列印精準微創手術系統2018
    • - 中國醫藥大學附設醫院人工關節中心 主治醫師2009-2014
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院骨骼肌肉腫瘤研究醫師 2006-2008
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院關節重建研究醫師2006-2008
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院骨科專科醫師 2006
    • - 臺北榮總骨科部住院總醫師 2005-2006
    • - 臺北榮總骨科部住院醫師 2001-2005
  • 醫療專長
    1. 1.正前入路肌肉完全保留人工髖關節手術(MIS DAA total hip replacement)超過1000例
    2. 2.PSI微創導引高位脛骨截骨軟骨再生保膝手術(PSI minimally invasive guided high tibial osteotomy cartilage regeneration knee-pr)發明人,超過1000例經驗
    3. 3.人工關節重置換 (Revision of joint arthroplasty)
    4. 4.微創骨創傷 (Minimal invasive Orthopaedic trauma)
    5. 5.人工關節微創置換 (Minimal invasive surgery of joint arthroplasty)
    6. 6.骨腫瘤肢體保留重建 (Limb salvage surgery of bone tumor)
  • 證照


  1. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang , Kuan-Jung Chen,”Comparison of Double Chevron-Cut and Biplanar Distal Femoral Osteotomy Techniques: A Biomechanical Study” PLOS ONE, 2023
  2. Hsuan-Hsiao Ma, Philip Lobenhofer, Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang,”The benefts of a percutaneous supplemental screw to reinforce the hinge of a medial open wedge tibial osteotomy”AOTS,2022
  3. 1.Yen-Chun Huang , Kuan-Jung Chen , Kuan-Yu Lin , Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee and Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, “Patient-Specific Instrument Guided Double Chevron-CutDistal Femur Osteotomy” Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2021
  4. 2. Jesse Chieh-Szu YangI, Kuan-Yu Lin, Hsi-Hsien Lin, Oscar K. Lee, “Biomechanical evaluation of high tibial osteotomy plate with internal support block using finite element analysis” PLOS ONE, 2021
  5. 3. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Phillipp Lobenhoffer, Chia-Ming Chang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Hsiu-Chen Lin, Hsuan-Hsiao Ma, Pei-Yuan Lee, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, “A supplemental screw enhances the biomechanical stability in medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy”PLOS ONE, 2020
  6. 4. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Oscar K. Lee,〝Benefits of Opposite Lag Screw Insertion in Medial Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: A Preliminary Biomechanical Study〞Journal of Orthopaedic Translation, 2020
  7. 5.  Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Kang-Ping Lin, Hung-Wen Wei, Wen-Chuan Chen, Chao-Ching Chiang, Ming-Chau Chang, Cheng-Lun Tsai, Kun-Jhih Lin〝Importance of a moderate plate-to-bone distance for the functioning of the far cortical locking system〞Medical Engineering and Physics, 2018
  8.  6. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Chu-An Luo, Ming-Chau Chang, Oscar K. Lee, Ye Huang, and Shang-Chih Lin.〝Clinical Experience using a 3D-printed Patient-specific Instrument for Medial Opening wedge High Tibial Osteotomy〞Hindawi, 2018
  9. 7. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Kun-Jhih Lin, Hung-Wen Wei, Cheng-Lun Tsai, Kang-Ping Lin, Pei-Yuan Lee.〝Morphometric Analysis of the Clavicles in Chinese Population〞Hindawi, 2017
  10. 8. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Hsin-Chang Chen, Yu-Shu Lai, Cheng-Kung Cheng.〝Measurement of Tip Apex Distance and Migration of Lag Screws and Novel Blade Screw used for the Fixation of Intertrochanteric Fractures〞PLOS ONE, 2016
  11. 9.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Huang Ching-Kuei, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Postirrediation osteosarcoma from hepatocellular carcinoma〞Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, 2009
  12. 10. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Soft tissue sarcoma misdiagnosed as hematoma- 5 cases report〞. Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2002
  13. 11.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Ma Shiao-Li, Chen Tian-Hsiung. 〝The lateral approach for operative release of post-traumatic elbow stiffness〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  14. 12.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tian-Hsiung. 〝Secondary osteosarcoma over the distal radius〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  15. 13.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Wang Shih-Tien, Liu Chien-Lin.〝A rare type of multiple T-L spine flexion-distraction injury-case report〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  16. 14. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chiu Fang-Yao, Huang Ching-Kuei, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain- Hsiung. 〝Elbow function after tension band wire fixation of displaced fractures of displaced olecranon fracture- 10 years follow-up.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  17. 15.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Huang Ching-Kuei,Chen Wei-Ming,Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Postirrediation osteosarcoma from hepatocellular carcinoma.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2004
  18. 16. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Synovium sarcoma- A review of 20 cases.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2004
  19. 17. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Comparison of extensively hydroxyapatite-coated long stem and extensively porous-coated long stem: 10-year long-term follow-up.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2007
  20. 18. Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung. 〝MIS in THR W large head MOM, preliminary report〞 Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2010
  21. 19. Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung.〝Large bearing (MOM) total hip arthroplasty in developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH): preliminary report〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2011
  22. 20. Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung 〝The clinical result using locking plate in periprosthetic supracondylar femur fracture〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2012
  23. 21.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung 〝Zirconia ceramic-on-ceramic bearing in total hip arthroplasty- preliminary report of 50 cases〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2013
  24. 22.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung〝Acetabular revision arthroplasty for septic loosening hip arthroplasty using tantalum cup〞 Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, 2013
  25. 23. 〝Severe femoral deformity treated with extensive porous-coated stem in revision hip arthroplasty.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, 2013