- 腕驅動式筷子(發明 I274571)
- 可就坐式坐骨承重長腿支架(發明 I321468)
- 持筷連接裝置(新型 M225005)
- 小腿義肢可調式承筒(新型 M319026)
- 可調整式坐骨承重長腿支架(新型 M319028)
- 可收合、滑行兼具便盆椅之奮起凳(新型 M371539)
- 功能安全手杖(新型 M409729)
- 手推式助行器(新型 M424939)
- 膝下義肢承重檢測及控制訓練裝置(新型 M479122)
- 經口甲狀腺手術的安全裝置(新型 M567075)
- 手部復健輔助裝置(新型 M583754)
- 調配型通用高跟鞋鞋墊組(新型 M587921)
- 手肘拉門用門把(設計 D209052)
- 骨盆髖關節義肢石膏取模方法及裝置(發明 I733644)
- 人工血管植入手術的模擬裝置(新型 M609867)
- 截肢快速固定塑形襪套(新型 M618286)
- 膝關節置換相關手術用病患特定性器具的設計方法與裝置(發明 I744626)
- 手部無障礙餐具組(新型 M619105)
- 外傷傷口緊急處理繃帶(新型 M619987)
- 全人工肘關節置換術的植入物結合之輔具(新型 M624722)
- 具有積極治療性足部裝具
- 引進開發糖尿病足特殊鞋具
- 單手操控式手推輪椅
- 模組化選配組裝式特製輪椅
- X-ray可透視之定製型免製模活動開合式膠質代用石膏及肢体支撐裝具
- 電動傷殘輔具
- 身心障礙者座椅擺位輔具
- CPM(連續被動式運動器)
- 電動輪椅
- 四連桿義膝關節
- 義足
- 3D列印技術發展暨資源整合計畫(2016~至今)
- 輔具科技開發、測試與研究(2020~2024)
- 合併第二、三腳趾移植後病患之步態分析(國科會)
- 以類神經網路控制肌電義上肢之研究(榮清計畫)
- 各種腳趾移植後病患之步態分析(國科會)
- 肌電義上肢之智慧型控制(榮清計畫)
- 有限元素法在膝下義肢設計之研究(國科會)
- 下肢之復健工程及生物力學研究(前衛生署)
- 電腦自動化支架成型機
- 膝關節韌帶置換手術前、後之步態研究。
- 腳趾移植手術前、後之步態研究
- 小腿支架對改良中風病患之步態研究。
- 小兒腦性痳痺病患選擇性後脊髓神經根切除手術前、後之步態研究。
- 長骨內固定器之機械性質研究。
- 下顎骨內固定器之機械性質研究。
- 脊椎內固定器之機械性質研究。
- 義肢承筒之材料機械性質研究。
- 牙齒複合樹脂填補物之機械性質研究。
2020年:幸輔無礙 輔具服務一條龍-醫療院所類/醫事服務組-標章
2021年:輔具有愛 人生無礙-醫療院所纇/社區服務組-銅獎
(一) SCI國際期刊論文
- Chen, K. L., Wang, S. J., Chuang, C., Huang, L. Y., Chiu, F. Y., Wang, F. D., ... & Chen, W. M. (2020). Novel design for door handle—a potential technology to reduce hand contamination in the COVID-19 pandemic. (SCI 2020 IF=5.262)
- Yeh YT, Chen JY, Kuo PC, Wang TH, Lee HC, Chi CW, Lee CH, Shyr YM, Wang SJ, Chen WM, 2019, Printing a Three-Dimensional Patient-Specific Safety Device for Reducing the Potential Risk of Mental Nerve Injury During Transoral Thyroidectomy, World Journal of Surgery 2020, 44(2), p. 371-377. doi: 10.1007/s00268-019-05155-z (SCI 2018 IF=2.768 Rank=56/203)
- Yi-Ting Yeh, Jui-Yu Chen, Po-Chung Kuo, Tien-Hsiang Wang, Hsin-Chen Lee, Chin-Wen ChiChen-Hsen Lee, Yi-Ming Shyr, Shyh-Jen Wang, Wei-Ming Chen.(2019). Printing a Three-Dimensional Patient-Specific Safety Device for Reducing the Potential Risk of Mental Nerve Injury During Transoral Thyroidectomy. World Journal Of Surgery, 44(2), 371-377. doi:10.1007/s00268-019-05155-z
- Wang Shyh-Jen, 2019/11, Drafting eligible biotech and immunotherapy claims, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Published online: 22 May 2019, Vol 15, No 11, pp 2706-2712 (SCI 2018 IF=2.592 rank=75/162)
- Kai Hsia, Chih-Hsun Lin, Hsin-Yu Lee, Wei-Min Chen, Chao-Ling Yao, Chien-Chin Chen, Hsu Ma, Shyh-Jen Wang and Jen-Her Lu, 2019/4, 2Sphingosine-1-phosphate in Endothelial Cell Recellularization Improves Patency and Endothelialization of Decellularized Vascular Grafts In Vivo, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol 20(7), pp1641. (SCI 2018 IF=4.183)
- Chen K, Feng CJ, Ma H, Hsiao FY, Tseng LM, Tsai YF, Lin YS, Huang LY, Yu WC, Perng CK. Preoperative breast volume evaluation of one-stage immediate breast reconstruction using three-dimensional surface imaging and a printed mold. J Chin Med Assoc. 2019 Sep; 82(9):732-739. (SCI 2018 IF=1.894 rank=67/160)
- Huang TY, Pan LL, Yang WW, Huang LY, Sun PC, Chen CS. Biomechanical evaluation of three-dimensional printed dynamic hand device for patients with chronic stroke. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2019 Jun;27(6):1246-1252. (SCI 2018 IF=3.478, Rank=5/65)
- Wu PK, Shih YC, Chen CM, Chen G, Chen WM, Huang LY, Hung YC, Wang TH, Yu WC, Chang CK, Chang BC, Lin PH, Wang SJ. Printing a 3-dimensional, Patient-specific Splint for Wound Immobilization: A Case Demonstration. Ostomy Wound Manage, 2018 Jul; 64(7):28-33. (SCI 2018 IF=1.506, Rank=128/203 )
- Wu PK, Shi YC, Chen CM, Chen G, Chen WM, Huang LY, Hung YC, Wang TH, Yu WC, Chang CK, Chang BC, Lin PH, Wang SJ. (2018).Printing a 3-dimensional, Patient-specific Splint for Wound Immobilization: A Case Demonstration. Ostomy Wound Manage, 64(7):28-33.doi:10.25270/0wm/2018.7.817
- Wu PK, Shih YC, Chen CM, Chen G, Chen WM, Huang LY, Hung YC, Wang TH, Yu WC, Chang CK, Chang BC, Lin PH, Wang SJ. 2018/7, Printing a 3-dimensional Patient-specific Splint for Wound Immobilization: A Case Demonstration, Ostomy Wound Management. Vol 64(7), pp 28-33 (SCI 2018 IF=1.506, Rank=128/203 )
- Bao-Chi Chang and Wang Shyh-Jen, 2017/11, The newly filed patent applications for vaccines against staphylococcus aureus, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Vol. 13 Issue 11 pp. 2637-2638 (SCI 2015 IF=2.127 rank=80/161)
- Bao-Chi Chang and Wang Shyh-Jen, 2016/05, The shadow of inequitable conduct in the US patent application, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Vol. 12 Issue 5 pp. 1318-1320 (SCI 2015 IF=2.127 rank=80/161)
- Bao-Chi Chang and Wang Shyh-Jen, 2016/10, The limited benefit of “product-by-process” claim, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Vol. 12 Issue 10 pp. 2685-2687 (SCI 2015 IF=2.127 rank=80/161)
- Bao-Chi Chang and Wang Shyh-Jen, 2015/03, The impact of patent eligibility on biotech patents A flow chart for determining patent eligibility and an immune therapy case study Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Vol. 11 Issue 3 pp. 789-794 (SCI2016 IF=2.157 rank=79/160)
- Wang Shyh-Jen, 2014/03, Sharpening a biotech patent through methods claims under the litigation strategy of induced infringement: A message from the US Federal Circuit full court decision Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, Vol. 10 Issue 3 pp.808-811 (SCI2014 IF=2.366 rank=69/163)
- Huang, C. H., Wang, F. T., & Chan, W. H. (2020). Dose-dependent beneficial and harmful effects of berberine on mouse oocyte maturation and fertilization and fetal development. Toxicology Research, 9(4), 431-443. ( IF:2.283)
- Huang, C. H., Wang, F. T., & Chan, W. H. (2019). Dosage‐related beneficial and deleterious effects of ginsenoside Rb1 on mouse oocyte maturation and fertilization and fetal development. Environmental toxicology. (2018, IF:2.649)
- Huang, C. H., Wang, F. T., & Chan, W. H. (2019). Prevention of ochratoxin A‐induced oxidative stress‐mediated apoptotic processes and impairment of embryonic development in mouse blastocysts by liquiritigenin. Environmental toxicology.
- Huang, C. H., Wang, F. T., & Chan, W. H. (2019). Enniatin B1 exerts embryotoxic effects on mouse blastocysts and induces oxidative stress and immunotoxicity during embryo development. Environmental toxicology, 34(1), 48-59.
- Wang, F. T., Chang, Y., Chien, W. C., & Li, H. H. (2016). Injury and medical expenditure in emergency department visits of older veterans. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 16(12), 1254-1262. (2018, IF:2.118)
(二) 學術論文
- Hsin-Yu Chen, Chih-Kang Chang , Tsung-Yang Wang, Chia-Hao Yen, Hsiang-Chun Chuang, Fang-Yao Chiu, The effect of Wii Fit board games training for Trans-tibial amputees balance ability, International Society For Prosthetics And Orthotics(ISPO) 17th World Congress, Kobe, Japan.
- Li-Ying Huang, Kuang-Wei Lin, Chen-Shen Chen, Bao-Chi Chang, Fang-Yao Chiu. Kinematic analysis of conventional and 3D-printed anterior ankle- foot orthoses: a preliminary study (8 th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018)
- 顏佳豪、陳信予、王宗揚、邱方遙、陳曾基,Development of a computer-輔具租賃制度執行之案例分享,2019年臺北國際轉譯醫學與先進治療醫學研討會。
- 王宗揚、陳信予、顏佳豪、莊翔竣、邱方遙,Improve the custom-made insole satisfaction of patients with foot pain and problems(提升足部病變患者之鞋內墊配置滿意度),2019年臺北國際轉譯醫學與先進治療醫學研討會。
- Fu-Ting Wang, Tzong-Yi Lee, Wen-Hsiung Chan, Chien-Hsun Huang,IIntegrated bioinformatics analyses on female reproductive system,2019年臺北國際轉譯醫學與先進治療醫學研討會。
- 莊翔竣、陳信予、顏佳豪、王宗揚、邱方遙,Innovation of ankle and knee joint of lower-limb orthosis(支架膝踝立柱零件之設計及創新),2019年臺北國際轉譯醫學與先進治療醫學研討會。
- 黃瓅瑩、陳月霞、張人牧、蘇尚文、梁維安,游離關節移植之復健-個案報告,2015物理治療學術研討會。