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陳玟均 (Wen-Chun Chen)


  • 學歷
    • 高雄醫學大學 醫學系 學士
    • 國立陽明交通大學 臨床醫學研究所 博士生
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部輸血醫學科 主治醫師
    • - 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部血液科 兼任主治醫師
    • - 迄今 教育部定講師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 部總醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部血液腫瘤科 總住院醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 住院醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 不分科 住院醫師
  • 醫療專長
    1. 輸血醫學、貧血、血小板及凝血病變、紫斑、瘀青、血球異常、造血功能異常、血癌、淋巴癌、多發性骨髓瘤、造血幹細胞移植、淋巴結腫大、惡性腫瘤
  • 證照
    中華民國內科專科醫師 中華民國腫瘤內科專科醫師 中華民國血液病專科醫師 中華民國骨髓移植專科醫師
  • 語言專長


  1. 陳玟均, 蘇勤方, 陳永泰, 施家仁, 歐朔銘
    Impact of hypoglycemia on fracture risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Taipei December, 2016, poster presentation
  2. 蘇勤方,陳玟均,陳永泰, 施家仁, 歐朔銘
    Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system blockade for clinical outcomes in elderly post-myocardial infarction patient
    Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Taipei December, 2016, poster presentation
  3. Chen WC, Ko PS, Wang HY, Liu YC, Hsiao LT, Gau JP, Liu JH.
    Difference in thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) between concurrently and previously diagnosed SLE
    2017 Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH) 79th Annual meeting, Poster presentation
  4. Chen WC, Chu PY, Lee YT, Lu WB, Liu CY, Chang PM, Yang MH.
    Pembrolizumab for recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in an Asian population. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Dec;96(52):e9519. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000009519.
  5. Chen WC. Ou SM. Nephrotic syndrome complicated with femoral vein catheter-related phlegmasia cerulea dolens: A case report. Hemodial Int. 2018 Feb 13. doi:10.1111/hdi.12633
  6. Chen WC, Ko PS, Wang HY, Liu YC, Hsiao LT, Gau JP, Liu JH.
    Difference in thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) between concurrently and previously diagnosed SLE
    J Chin Med Assoc. 2020 Aug;83(8):743-750.
  7. Yi-Kai Fu, Hsueng-Mei Liu, Li-Hsuan Lee, Ying-Ju Chen, Sheng-Hsuan Chien, Jeong-Shi Lin, Wen-Chun Chen, Ming-Hsuan Cheng, Po-Heng Lin, Jheng-You Lai, Chyong-Mei Chen, Chun-Yu Liu
    The TVGH-NYCU Thal-Classifier: Development of a Machine-Learning Classifier for Differentiating Thalassemia and Non-Thalassemia Patients
    Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Sep 20;11(9):1725
  8. Te-Lin Hsu, Chun-Kuang Tsai, Chun-Yu Liu, Chiu-Mei Yeh, Fen-Lan Lin, Liang-Tsai Hsiao, Yao-Chung Liu, Hao-Yuan Wang, Po-Shen Ko, Ting-An Lin, Wen-Chun Chen, Po-Min Chen, Jin-Hwang Liu, Jyh-Pyng Gau, Chia-Jen Liu
    TMH-2021-12-8/R2 RESUBMISSION - Risk Factors and Outcomes of Stem Cell Mobilization Failure in Multiple Myeloma Patients
    Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy. Accepted on 2022/6/5
  9. Wen-Chun Chen, Liang-Tsai Hsiao, Chia-Jen Liu, Yao-Chung Liu, Hao-Yuan Wang, Po-Shen Ko, Jyh-Pyng Gau, Chun-Yu Liu, Shen-Hsuan Chien
    Treatment-free Remission in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Who Received Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
    2021 Joint Annual Congress of The Hematology Society of Taiwan and Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  10. WC Chen, SH Chien, CY Liu
    2022 International Society of Blood Transfusion Annual Meeting, Poster presentation
  11. Wen-Chun Chen, Liang-Tsai Hsiao, Chia-Jen Liu, Yao-Chung Liu, Hao-Yuan Wang, Po-Shen Ko, Jin-Hwang Liu, Tzeon-jye Chiou, Jyh-Pyng Gau
    Pharmacokinetic profiles of an iron contrast agent (IOP injection) for liver-specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in healthy subjects
    2019 Joint Annual Congress of The Hematology Society of Taiwan and Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  12. Wen-Chun Chen, Liang-Tsai Hsiao, Chia-Jen Liu, Yao-Chung Liu, Hao-Yuan Wang, Po-Shen Ko, Jin-Hwang Liu, Tzeon-jye Chiou, Jyh-Pyng Gau
    The Impact of HLA Mismatch Direction on the Outcome of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in AML Patients
    2019 61st American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, Poster presentation
  13. Hsu T, -L, Tsai C, -K, Liu C, -Y, Yeh C, -M, Lin F, -L, Hsiao L, -T, Liu Y, -C, Wang H, -Y, Ko P, -S, Lin T, -A, Chen W, -C, Chen P, -M, Liu J, -H, Gau J, -P, Liu C, -J: Risk Factors and Outcomes of Stem Cell Mobilization Failure in Multiple Myeloma Patients. Transfus Med Hemother 2022. doi: 10.1159/000525565