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- Kim HJ, Yao YC, Bannwarth M, Smith JS, Klineberg EO, Mundis GM, Protopsaltis TS, Charles-Elysee J, Bess S, Shaffrey CI, Passias PG. Cervicothoracic Versus Proximal Thoracic Lower Instrumented Vertebra Have Comparable Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes in Adult Cervical Deformity. Global spine journal. 2021 May 20:21925682211017478. Online ahead of print.
- Yao YC, Chou PH, Lin HH, Wang ST, Liu CL, Chang MC. RiYao YC, Chou PH, Lin HH, Wang ST, Chang MC. Outcome of Ti/PEEK Versus PEEK Cages in Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Global Spine J. 2021 Mar 18:21925682211000323. doi: 10.1177/21925682211000323. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33733888.
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