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Disease info

Free Foods and Drugs for Rare Diseases application regulations

Free Foods and Drugs is handled in accordance with the management principles of "Special Nutritional Foods for Rare Diseases and Emergency Drugs Logistics Center". The relevant application regulations are explained as follows:

(1) When applying for special nutritional food or urgently needed medicine for patients with rare diseases, physicians should attach the following application materials in addition to reporting rare disease cases in accordance with the Rare Disease Prevention and Drug Law: 1. Special nutritional food Or emergency drug application form; 2. Patient use consent; 3. Summary of medical records; 4. Treatment method references and other materials, sent to the logistics center for collection by fax or mail, as a reference for the delivery quantity. The logistics center shall provide the electronic files of the above application forms to the Department on a quarterly basis as the basis for the Department to review the allocation of special nutritional foods or emergency medicines.

(2) The relevant application form for special nutritional food or urgently needed medicine filled out by the clinician. The name of the diagnosed disease must be consistent with the name of the rare disease recently announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and refer to the "List of Special Nutritional Food Items and Indications for Rare Diseases " and "List of Drugs for Rare Diseases", fill in the special nutritional food or emergency drugs applicable to the disease.

(3) The contact information of the logistics center for special nutritional food for rare diseases and urgently needed drugs is as follows:

Address: 1st Floor, No. 115, Section 4, Liuchuan East Road, North District, Taichung City 40458 (Genetic and Rare Disease Center, Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University)

Tel: +886-4-22052121 ext. 14832

FAX: +886-4-22086971

Mail: /

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