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Deciphering the entire human genome to construct a new health formula


Preventing diseases can no longer only rely on diet and exercise. Taipei Veterans General Hospital has proposed the concept of "whole-gene precision preventive medicine", using the new proposition of "precision-prevention-personalization" and a humanized new medical model to construct a new health formula. To analyze genetic constitution, to adjust acquired factors, and to strengthen physical examination to achieve the goals of effective prevention and healthy living.

Chief Chia-Ming Chang of the Precision Preventive Medicine Center of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Taipei Veterans General Hospital said that the key to human health lies in the genome. Because people are built according to their own genetic code, everyone's physical characteristics and susceptibility to diseases are different. The genome The information in it records the key information of personalized health care, and the occurrence of diseases is actually caused by the personal constitution caused by innate genes and acquired factors.

Through a massive genetic database, the personalized body information hidden in more than 20,000 pairs of genes can be deciphered at once, providing the ability to grasp the individual's unique health characteristics and directions, find out the diseases that are susceptible to it, and plan customized personalized plans. A health plan that adjusts acquired risk factors or habits that can induce disease to prevent disease or detect disease early.

The concept and approach of complete genetic testing are different from general genetic testing. It is a systematic medicine that uses personal genetic data to improve health.  Using full genetic testing, all genetic codes are first unlocked, single major genes and multiple genes are analyzed simultaneously, and then professional doctors provide descriptions of all important gene variations. After analyzing the acquired factors that induce diseases, personalized health plans and follow-up are provided. Recommend physical examination items and provide sustainable re-analysis and health management genetic consultation services.

Because most physical characteristics, abnormalities, or diseases are directly or indirectly related to genes, the use of comprehensive genetic testing covers disease prevention or detection of common adult diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. , dementia or unexplained illnesses, etc. These genetic information may hide important keys to preventing and treating diseases.

So far, whole-gene precision preventive medicine has served more than 500 people of our hospital. Most of the people who will do this test are healthy people or people with family disease history. They hope to understand their own physical characteristics and find out the characteristics of their bodies by unlocking all genes. The direction of personalized precision health; others have been sick or are currently suffering from a disease, and hope to find the disease-causing genes through precision medicine; generally speaking, about 2/3 of the diseases can be directly found through full genetic testing or indirect genetic variation.
Dr. Chang emphasized that the goal of this system is to use the most scientific method to help prevent and early detect common diseases of civilization, including cancer, dementia, metabolic diseases or cardiovascular diseases...etc.  Most of the main causes of these diseases are directly or indirectly related to genes. Genes determine metabolism, immunity, and abnormal cell repair functions. Coupled with environmental factors and acquired living habits, the interaction causes these civilization diseases.  We hope that with the new concept of preventive medicine, people can live healthier lives.


