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林永煬 (Yung-Yang Lin)


  • 學歷
    • 臺北醫學大學 醫學系 醫學士
    • 國立陽明交通大學 醫學院臨床醫學研究所 博士
    • 芬蘭赫爾辛基科技大學 腦科學研究中心 客座研究人員
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 副院長
    • - 迄今 臺灣神經學學會 理事長
    • - 迄今 臺灣神經重症醫學會 常務監事
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 腦科學研究所/臨床醫學研究所 教授
    • - 迄今 教育部 部定教授
    • - 迄今 國防醫學院教師評審委員會 外審老師
    • - 迄今 醫策會台灣臨床成效指標(TCPI)專案小組 委員
    • - 迄今 臺灣腦中風治療及研究醫學會 常務理事
    • - 迄今 臺灣腦中風病友協會 常務監事
    • - 迄今 臺灣臨床神經生理學學會 理事
    • - 迄今 中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會專家審查小組 委員
    • - 迄今 國立台灣大學身體心靈與文化整合影像研究中心 諮詢委員
    • - 迄今 中國醫藥大學臨床醫學研究所實地訪評委員會 召集人
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院重症醫學部 部主任
    • - 臺灣神經重症醫學會 理事長
    • - 臺灣腦中風病友協會 理事長
    • - 科技部人社司心智科學委員會 委員
    • - 國立陽明交通大學 醫學院腦科學研究所 所長
    • - 臺灣臨床神經生理學學會 理事長
    • - 臺灣腦中風學會 理事
    • - 臺灣神經學學會 常務理事
    • - 臺灣癲癇醫學會 常務理事
    • - 臺灣神經學學會甄審委員會 主任委員
    • - 國防醫學院醫學系 臨床教授
    • - 國防醫學院博士生指導委員會 口試委員
    • - 國立台灣大學醫學院教授升等 審查委員
    • - 臺灣腦科技發展與國際躍升計畫 審查委員
    • - 國際臨床腦磁圖學會 理事
    • - 國立陽明交通大學教師評審委員會 委員
    • - 新北市消防局醫療指導顧問 委員
    • - 財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會大學校院系所 評鑑委員
    • - 高雄醫學大學醫學系神經學科評鑑委員會 主任委員
    • - 中國醫藥大學臨床醫學研究所實地訪評委員會 主任委員
    • - 中央研究院跨領域神經科學博士學位學程 委員
    • - 中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所CRC研究計畫 審查委員
  • 醫療專長
    1. 腦中風
    2. 癲癇
    3. 失智症
    4. 巴金森氏症
    5. 疼痛症狀之診斷及治療
    6. 神經重症醫療
    7. 頭暈
    8. 失智
    9. 神經科


1.    Sheng-Feng Lin, Han-Hwa Hu, Hai-Lun Chao, Bo-Lin Ho, Chih-Hung Chen, Lung Chan, Huey-Juan Lin, Yu Sun, Yung-Yang Lin, Po-Lin Chen, Shinn-Kuang Lin, Cheng-Yu Wei, Yu-Te Lin, Jiunn-Tay Lee, A-Ching Chao. Triglyceride Glucose Index and Intravenous Thrombolysis Outcomes for Acute Ischemic Stroke: a Multicenter Prospective-cohort Study TyG index and IV Thrombolysis for Stroke. Frontiers in Neurology (Accepted on Jan 11, 2022)

2.    Hsin Tung, Szu-yen Pan, Tsuo-Hung Lan, Yung-Yang Lin*, Syu-Jyun Peng. Characterization of hippocampal-thalamo-cortical morphometric reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy. Frontiers in Neurology  (Accepted on Dec 31, 2021)

3.    Sheng-Feng Lin, Han Hwa Hu, Bo-Lin Ho, Chih-Hung Chen, Lung Chan, Huey-Juan Lin, Yu Sun, Yung-Yang Lin, Po-Lin Chen, Shinn-Kuang Lin, Cheng-Yu Wei, Yu-Te Lin, Jiunn-Tay Lee, A-Ching Chao. Pretreatment of Single and Double Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant with Intravenous Thrombolysis for Older Adults with Acute Ischemic Stroke: the TTT-AIS Experience. Frontiers in Neurology (Accepted on Feb 3, 2021)

4.    Yang HC et al. and Lin YY*.The Irradiated Brain Volume Within 12 Gy Is a Predictor for Radiation-Induced Changes After Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Patients With Unruptured Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics (IJROBP). Volume 111, Issue 3, 1 November 2021, Pages 785-793. 

5.    Feng JY, Su WJ, Chuang FY, Pan SW, Yeh YC, Lin YY, Chen NJ. TREM-1 enhances Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced inflammatory responses in macrophages. Microbes Infect. 2021 Jan-Feb;23(1):104765. doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2020.10.001. Epub 2020 Oct 10.PMID: 33049389. 

6.    Tung H, Lin HJ, Chen PL, Lu TJ, Jhan PP, Chen JP, Chen YM, Wu CC, Lin YY, Hsiao TH. Characterization of familial hypercholesterolemia in Taiwanese ischemic stroke patients. Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Jul 27;13(15):19339-19351. doi: 10.18632/aging.203320. Epub 2021 Jul 27.PMID: 34314377.

7.    Tung H; Lin WH; Lan TH; Hsieh PF.; Chiang MC; Lin YY*. Left fronto-temporal region plays a key role in letter fluency task-evoked activation and functional connectivity in normal participants: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. The Journal of Neuroscience Research. jnr-2021-Jan-9434. 12-jan-2021-receipt. (IF= 4.699(2019),R/C=58/272 , NEUROSCIENCES – SCIE)

8.    Yang HC, Peng SJ, Lee CC, Wu HM, Chen YW,Lin CJ, Shiau CY, Guo WY,Pan David HC, Liu KD, Chung WY , Lin YY*. Does the Diffuseness of the Nidus Affect the Outcome of Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Patients with Unruptured Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations? Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2021;99(2):113-122. (IF= 1.635(2019), R/C = 235/272, NEUROSCIENCES – SCIE)

9.    Lin CJ, Luo CB, Chien C, Chang FC, Lin CJ, Lee IH, Hsu LC, Chung CP, Liu HY, Chi NF, How CK, Wang SJ, Guo WY, Lin YY*. Better Endovascular Mechanical Thrombectomy Outcome in Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke - A Single Center Experience. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2020 Aug;83(8):756-760. (IF=2.170(2019),R/C= 63/165 ,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL – SCIE)

10.    Liu JH, Wang TW, Lin YY, Ho WC, Tsai HC, Chen SP, Lin AM, Liu TY, Wang HT. Acrolein is involved in ischemic stroke-induced neurotoxicity through spermidine/spermine-N1-acetyltransferase activation. Experimental neurology. 2020 Jan;323:113066. (IF= 4.691; R/C=59/271, NEUROSCIENCES)

11.    Tang CW, Hsiao FJ, Lee PL, Tsai YA, Hsu YF, Chen WT, Lin YY, Stagg CJ, Lee IH. β-Oscillations Reflect Recovery of the Paretic Upper Limb in Subacute Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2020 May;34(5):450-462. doi: 10.1177/1545968320913502. Epub 2020 Apr 23.

12.    Wu HM, Chung CP, Lin YY*. Similar thrombolysis outcomes in acute stroke patients with and without atrial fibrillation if pre-stroke CHA2DS2-VASc score is low: A retrospective study. Medicine.2020 Jan;99(2):e18680. (IF=1.552; R/C= 89/165, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL -- SCIE).

13.    Yu KW, Lin CJ, Luo CB, Lin YY, Guo WY, Chang FC, Lee IH, Lin CJ, Chung CP, Chien C. Single-phase computed tomography angiography sufficiently predicts outcomes after mechanical thrombectomy. J Chin Med Assoc. 2020 May;83(5):478-483. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000300.PMID: 32217991. 

14.    Lin SF, Chao AC, Hu HH, Lin RT, Chen CH, Chan L, Lin HJ, Sun Y, Lin YY, Chen PL, Lin SK, Wei CY, Lin YT, Lee JT, Bai CH; Taiwan Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke (TTT-AIS) Study Group. Low Cholesterol Levels Increase Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Rates After Intravenous Thrombolysis: A Multicenter Cohort Validation Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2019 Jun 1;26(6):513-527. doi: 10.5551/jat.46151. Epub 2018 Nov 21.PMID: 30464112

15.    Lu CI* , Margaret L Greenwald, Lin YY ,and Susan M Bowyer. Musical transposing versus sight-reading: Mapping brain activation with magnetoencephalography. Psychology of Music 2019 Nov 25 1-19 (IF=1.381; R/C=35/59, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY).

16.    Yeh CF, Chuang TY, Hung YW , Lan MY, Tsai CH, Huang HX, Lin YY*. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition enhances anti-inflammatory and antioxidative processes, modulates microglia polarization, and promotes recovery after ischemic stroke. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.2019 Oct 15 2927-2941(IF=2.288; R/C= 126/199, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

17.    Chen YW, Sung SF, Chen CH, Tang SC, Tsai LK, Lin HJ, Huang HY, Helen L. Po, Yu Sun, Chen PL, Lung Chan, Cheng YW, Lee JT, Cheng YH, Lin YY, Yeh SJ, Jeng JS, Li ML*. Intravenous Thrombolysis Administration 3 to 4.5 Hours after Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Retrospective, Multicenter Study. Front Neurol. 2019 Oct 15;10:1038. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01038. eCollection 2019.PMID: 31681138 (IF=2.635; R/C=161/267, NEUROSCIENCES)

18.    Yeh CF, Chuang TY, Hung YW, Lan MY, Tsai CH, Huang HX, Lin YY*. Development of a modified surgical technique for simulating ischemic cerebral cortex injury in rats. In vivo.2019 Jul-Aug 33(4) 1175-1181. (IF=1.609; R/C= 102/136, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL).

19.    Yeh CF, Chuang TY, Lan MY, Chin YC, Wang WH, Lin YY. Excessive Expression of Microglia/Macrophage and Proinflammatory Mediators in Olfactory Bulb and Olfactory Dysfunction After Stroke. In Vivo. 2019 Nov-Dec;33(6):1893-1899. doi: 10.21873/invivo.11683.PMID: 31662517.

20.    Wu HM, Hsiao FJ , Chen RS, Shan DE, Hsu WY, Chiang MC , Lin YY*. Attenuated NoGo-related beta desynchronisation and synchronisation in Parkinson’s disease revealed by magnetoencephalographic recording. Scientific reports. 2019 May 10;9(1):7235. (IF=4.011; R/C=15/69, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)

21.    Chao AC, Han K, Lin SF, Lin RT, Chen CH, Chan L, Lin HJ, Sun Y, Lin YY, Chen PL, Lin SK, Wei CY, Lin YT, Lee JT, Hu HH, Bai CH*, Taiwan Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke (TTT-AIS) Study Group. Low-dose versus standard-dose intravenous alteplase for octogenerian acute ischemic stroke patients: A multicenter prospective cohort study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2019 April 399(15) 76-81.(IF=2.651(2019) ; R/C= 160/267, NEUROSCIENCES)

22.    Lu CI *, Margaret L. Greenwald, Lin YY, Susan M. Bowyer. Reading musical notation versus English letters: Mapping brain activation with MEG. Psychology of Music. 2019 March 47(2) 255-269. (IF=1.381(2019) ; R/C=35/59, PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL) 

23.    Yeh CF, Chuang TY, Hung YW, Lan MY, Tsai CH, Huang HX, Lin YY*. Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase regulates monocyte/macrophage polarization and improves neurological outcome in a rat model of ischemic stroke. Neuroreport. 2019 May 22;30(8):567-572. (IF=1.146; R/C= 27/267, NEUROSCIENCES)

24.    Cheng CY, Cheng HM, Chen SP, Chung CP, Lin YY, Hu HH, Chen CH*, Wang SJ*. White matter hyperintensities in migraine: Clinical significance and central pulsatile hemodynamic correlates. Cephalalgia. 2018 Jun;38(7):1225-1236. doi: 10.1177/0333102417728751. (IF=3.882 ; R/C=44/197, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

25.    Feng JY, Su WJ, Pan SW, Yeh YC, Lin YY, Chen NJ*. Role of TREM-1 in pulmonary tuberculosis patients- analysis of serum soluble TREM-1 levels. Scientific Reports 2018 May 29;8(1):8223. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26478-2. (IF=4.122 ; R/C=12/64, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)

26.    Yang FC, Chou KH, Kuo CY, Lin YY, Lin CP*, Wang SJ*. The pathophysiology of episodic cluster headache: Insights from recent neuroimaging research. Cephalalgia 2018 Apr;38(5) 970-983. doi: 10.1177/0333102417716932. (IF=3.882 ; R/C=44/197, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

27.    Hsiao FJ, Wang SJ, Lin YY, Fuh JL, Ko YC, Wang PN, Chen WT*. Somatosensory gating is altered and associated with migraine chronification: A magnetoencephalographic study. Cephalalgia. 2018 Apr;38(4):744-753. doi: 10.1177/0333102417712718. (IF=3.882 ; R/C=44/197, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)\

28.    Chen WT, Hsiao FJ*, Ko YC, Liu HY, Wang PN, Fuh JL, Lin YY, Wang SJ. Comparison of somatosensory cortex excitability between migraine and "strict-criteria" tension-type headache: a magnetoencephalographic study. Pain. 2018 Apr;159(4):793-803. (IF=5.445; R/C=2/31, ANESTHESIOLOGY)

29.    Lin SF, Chao AC, Hu HH, Lin RT, Chen CH, Chan L, Lin HJ, Sun Y, Lin YY, Chen PL, Lin SK, Sun MH, Wei CY, Lin YT, Lee JT, Bai CH*. Hyperglycemia predicts unfavorable outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis among a Chinese population: A prospective cohort study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 388 (2018) 195-202. Doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2018.03.022. (IF=2.295 ; R/C=111/197, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

30.    Hsiao, FJ, Chen WT, Lin YY. Association between stimulus-evoked somatosensory inhibition and movement-related sensorimotor oscillation: A magnetoencephalographic study. Neuroscience Letters. 2018 Jan 18;664:74-78. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.11.014. (IF=2.159; R/C=188/261, NEUROSCIENCES)

31.    Liu HY, Chou KH, Lee PL, Fuh JL, Niddam, DM, Lai KL, Hsiao FJ, Lin YY, Chen WT*, Wang SJ*, Lin CP. Hippocampus and amygdala volume in relation to migraine frequency and prognosis. Cephalalgia. 2017 Dec;37(14):1329-1336. doi: 10.1177/0333102416678624. (IF=3.609; R/C=45/194, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

32.    Lu C, Greenwald M, Lin YY, Bowyer S. Reading musical notation versus English letters: Mapping brain activation with Magnetoencephalography (MEG). Psychology of Music. 2017 Dec 14. doi: 10.1177/0305735617744886. (IF=1.275; R/C=35/59, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY)

33.    Hsiao FJ, Wang SJ, Lin YY, Fuh JL, Ko YC, Wang PN, Chen WT*. Altered insula-default mode network connectivity in fibromyalgia: a resting-state magnetoencephalographic study. Journal of Headache and Pain. 2017 Aug 23; 18 (1)89:1-10. doi: 10.1186/s10194-017-0799-x. (IF=3.403; R/C=62/197, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

34.    Lin PC, Chang FC, Huang HC, Tsai JY, Lin YY, Chung CP. Greater periventricular white matter hyperintensity severity in basilar artery branch atheromatous disease. BMC Neurology. 2017 Jul 17;17(1):135. doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0918-y. (IF=2.170; R/C=122/197, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

35.    Hsiao FJ, Hsu WY, Chen WT, Chen RS, Lin YY *. Abnormal Somatosensory Synchronization in Patients with Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia: an MEG study. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 2017 Jul;48(4):288-294. doi: 10.1177/1550059416662575 (IF=1.807; R/C=48/78, PSYCHOLOGY). 

36.    Chou CC, Yen DJ, Lin YY, Wang YC, Lin CL, Kao CH. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Poststroke Epilepsy: A Population-Based Nationwide Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Feb;92(2):193-199. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.10.011.PMID: 28160872

37.    Hung YW and Lin YY*. Targeting soluble epoxide hydrolase for temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuroimmunology 2016 Volume (1) 2- 1000101.

38.    Kuo CL, Shiao AS, Wang SJ, Chang WP *, Lin YY *. Risk of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Stroke Patients: A 5-year Nationwide Investigation of 44,460 Patients. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Sep; 95 (36): e4841. (SCI) (IF= 2.133;R/C= 40/155,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)

39.    Chou KH, Yang FC, Fuh JL, Kuo CY, Wang YH, Lirng JF, Lin YY, SJ Wang*, CP Lin*. Bout-associated intrinsic functional network changes in cluster headache: a longitudinal resting-state functional MRI study. Cephalalgia 2016 Sep 7. pii: 03331024 (SCI) (IF=3.609; R/C=45/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

40.    Huang PY, Shih YH, Tseng YJ, Ko TL, Fu YS *, Lin YY *.Xenograft of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Wharton's Jelly as a Potential Therapy for the Rat Pilocarpine-Induced Epilepsy. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2016 May;54:45-58. (SCI) (IF= 5.889;R/C= 20/148,IMMUNOLOGY )

41.    Cheng CH, Tseng YJ, Chen RS, Lin YY *. Reduced functional connectivity of somatosensory network in writer's cramp patients. Brain and Behavior 2016 Jan 26:e00433 (SCI) (I F= 2.157;R/C= 182/259,NEUROSCIENCES )

42.    Cheng CH *, Sylvain Bailleti, Lin YY. Region-specific reduction of auditory sensory gating in older adults. Brain and Cognition 2015 Dec; 101: 64-72. doi: 10.1016 (SCI) (I F= 2.477;R/C= 154/252,NEUROSCIENCES )

43.    Cheng CH, Liu CJ, Ou SM, Yeh CM, Chen TJ, Lin YY *, Wang SJ *. Incidence and risk of seizures in Alzheimer's disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Epilepsy Research 2015 Sep;115:63-6(SCI) (I F= 2.190;R/C= 96/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

44.    Liu HY, Fuh JL, Lin YY, Chen WT *, Wang SJ *.Suicide risk in patients with migraine and comorbid fibromyalgia. Neurology 2015 Sep 22;85(12):1017-23 (SCI) ( I F=8.303;R/C= 8/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY ) 

45.    Hsu WY, Theodore P. Zanto, Joaquin A. Anguera, Lin YY, Adam Gazzaley*. Delayed enhancement of multitasking performance: Effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on the prefrontal cortex. CORTEX 2015  May 22;69:175-185(SCI) ( I F= 6.042;R/C= 4/49,BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES )  

46.    Hsiao FJ *, Yu HY, Chen WT, Kwan SY, Chen C., Yen DJ, CH Y, Shih YH, Lin YY *.Increased Intrinsic Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Evidence from Resting-State MEG Recordings. PLOS ONE 2015,10(6): e0128787 (IF=3.057; R/C=11/63, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)

47.    Cheng CH *, Chan PY S, Sylvain Baillet and Lin YY *. Age-related reduced somatosensory gating is associated with altered alpha frequency desynchronization. Neural Plasticity 2015. Article ID 302878 ( I F= 3.608;R/C= 88/252,NEUROSCIENCES). 

48.    Wang WH, Shih YH, Yu HY, Yen DJ, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Hua MS. Theory of mind and social functioning in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2015 Jul;56(7):1117-23.

49.    Hsu WY, Kuo YF, Liao KK, Yu HY, and Lin YY *. Widespread inter-ictal excitability changes in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: A TMS/MEG study. Epilepsy Research 2015 Mar;111:61-71 (SCI)  ( I F= 2.190;R/C= 96/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

50.    CH Cheng, Baillet S, Hsiao FJ, YY Lin. Effects of aging on the neuromagnetic mismatch detection to speech sounds. Biological Psychology. 2015 Jan;104:48-55. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2014.11.003. (IF=3.234; R/C=2/14, BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY)

51.    Cheng CH, Sylvain Baillet, Hsiao FJ, and Lin YY * .Effects of aging on the neuromagnetic mismatch detection to speech sounds. Biological Psychology 2015(104) 48–55 (SCI)  ( I F= 3.473;R/C= 16/74,PHYSIOLOGY )

52.    Hsiao FJ, Hsieh FY, Chen WT, Chu DC, Lin YY. Altered Resting-State Cortical EEG Oscillations in Patients With Severe Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2016 Apr;47(2):142-9. (IF=2.801; R/C=69/192, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

53.    Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Wang PN, Cheng CH, Lin YY. Temporo-frontal functional connectivity during auditory change detection is altered in Alzheimer's disease. Human Brain Mapping. 2014 Nov;35(11):5565-77. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22570. (IF=5.969; R/C=27/252, NEUROSCIENCES; R/C=2/14, NEUROIMAGING)

54.    Hsiao FJ *, Hsieh FY, Chen WT, Chu DC, Lin YY *. Altered Resting State Cortical EEG Oscillations in Patients with Severe Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis. Clinical EEG & Neuroscience 2014 DOI: 10.1177 /1550059414560396 (SCI) ( I F= 3.157;R/C= 54/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

55.    Chou KH, Yang FC, Fuh JL, Huang CC, Lirng JF, Lin YY, PL Lee, HW Kao, CP Lin and SJ Wan. Altered white matter microstructural connectivity in cluster headaches: A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study. Cephalalgia 2014 V34(13) 1040–1052 (SCI) ( I F= 4.121;R/C= 32/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY). Childs Nerv Syst. 2014 Nov;30(11):1885-95. doi: 10.1007/s00381-014-2463-y. Epub 2014 Oct 9.PMID: 25296550

56.    Chen HH, Chen C, Hung SC, Liang SY, Lin SC, Hsu TR, Yeh TC, Yu HY, Lin CF, Hsu SP, Liang ML, Yang TF, Chu LS, Lin YY, Chang KP, Kwan SY, Ho DM, Wong TT, Shih YH. Cognitive and epilepsy outcomes after epilepsy surgery caused by focal cortical dysplasia in children: early intervention maybe better

57.    Hung YW, Hung SW, Wu YC, Wong LK, Lai MT, Lee TS *, Shih YH and Lin YY *.Soluble epoxide hydrolase activity regulates inflammatory responses and seizure generation in two mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2014 Aug 15 (14)00408-5 (SCI) ( I F= 6.128;R/C= 19/144,IMMUNOLOGY ). 

58.    Hsiao FJ *, Chen WT, Wang PN, Chen CH,and Lin YY *.Temporo-frontal functional connectivity during auditory change detection is altered in Alzheimer’s disease. Human Brain Mapping 2014 ; 35(11):5565-77. (SCI) ( I F= 6.924;R/C=2/122,RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING )

59.    Yang FC, Chou KH, Fuh JL, Lee PL, Lirng JF, Lin YY, CP Lin, SJ Wang* .Altered hypothalamic functional connectivity in cluster headache: a longitudinal resting-state functional MRI study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2015 Apr;86(4):437-45. (SCI) ( I F= 5.580;R/C= 15/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

60.    Tseng YJ, Chen RS, Hsu WY, Hsiao FJ, Lin YY *.Reduced Motor Cortex Deactivation in Individuals Who Suffer from Writer's Cramp. PLOS ONE 2014 15;9(5):e97561. (SCI) ( I F= 3.534;R/C= 8/55,MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES )

61.    Cheng CH, Soong BW, Hsu WY and Lin YY *.Reduced automatic frontal response to auditory deviance in Huntington's disease as indexed by magnetic mismatch negativity. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2014 Oct;21(10):1773-8 (SCI) ( IF= 1.318;R/C= 151/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

62.    Hsiao FJ *, Chen WT, Wang YJ, Yan SH, Lin YY *. Altered Source-based EEG Coherence of Resting-State Sensorimotor Network in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease Compared to Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neuroscience Letters 2014 Jan 13;558:47-52. (SCI) ( I F= 2.055;R/C= 178/252,NEUROSCIENCES ).

63.    Hsu WY, Kwan SY, Liao KK, Chen RS *, Lin YY *.Altered inhibitory modulation of somatosensory cortices in paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia. Movement Disorders 2013 Oct;28(12):1728-31. (SCI) ( I F= 5.634;R/C= 14/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

64.    Hsiao FJ, Wang YJ , Yan SH, Chen WT, Lin YY *.Altered Oscillation and Synchronization of Default-Mode Network Activity in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Compared to Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Electrophysiological Study  PLoS ONE 2013 Jul 11;8(7):e68792 (SCI) ( I F= 3.534;R/C= 8/55,MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES )

65.    Cheng CH, Hsu WY and Lin YY *. Effects of physiological aging on mismatch negativity: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2013 Nov;90(2):165-71 (SCI) ( I F= 2.648;R/C= 32/81,PHYSIOLOGY)

66.    Chen TC, Kuo WJ, Chiang MC, Tseng YJ ,and Lin YY *. Over-activation in bilateral superior temporal gyrus correlated with subsequent forgotten effect of Chinese words. Brain and Language 2013 Aug;126(2):203-7 (SCI) ( I F= 3.309;R/C= 1/22,AUDIOLOGY & SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY )

67.    Hsu WY, Liao KK, Tseng YJ, Kwan SY, Chen RS, and Lin YY *.Reduced Postmovement Cortical Inhibition in Patients with Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia. Neurology 2013 Jul 23;81(4):353-60 (SCI) ( I F=8.303;R/C= 8/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

68.    Cheng CH, Lin YY*.Aging-related decline in somatosensory inhibition of the human cerebral cortex. Experimental Brain Research 2013 Apr;226(1):145-52. (SCI) ( I F= 2.168;R/C= 171/252,NEUROSCIENCES )

69.    Wang WH, Yu HY, Yen DJ, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Chen Chien, Hua MS. The Social and Occupational Functioning Scale for Epilepsy (SOFSE): A brief measure of functional status in a Taiwanese sample with epilepsy Epilepsia 2013 May;54(5):888-97 (SCI) ( I F= 4.584;R/C= 26/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

70.    Cheng CH, Sylvain Bailleti, Hsiao FJ, and Lin YY *.Effects of aging on neuromagnetic mismatch responses to pitch changes. Neuroscience Letters 2013 Jun 7;544:20-4 (SCI) ( I F= 2.055;R/C= 178/252,NEUROSCIENCES )

71.    Chen WT, Lin YY and Wang SJ.Headache frontiers: using magnetoencephalography to investigate pathophysiology of chronic migraine. Current Pain and Headache Reports 2013 Jan;17(1):309. (SCI) ( I F= 2.256;R/C= 95/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY     )

72.    Hsiao FJ, Cheng CH, Chen WT and Lin YY * .Neural correlates of somatosensory paired-pulse suppression: a MEG study using distributed source modeling and dynamic spectral power analysis. NEUROIMAGE 2013;(72)133–142 (SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

73.    Hung YW, Lai MT, Tseng YJ, Chou CC and Lin YY *.Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Affects Migration of Hippocampal Neural Progenitors Following Status Epilepticus in Rats. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2013 DOI:10.1186/1742-2094-10-11 (SCI) ( I F= 4.902;R/C= 26/144,IMMUNOLOGY )

74.    Hsu WY, Cheng CH, Liao KK, Lee IH, and Lin YY *. Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Motor Functions in Stroke Patients: A Meta-analysis. Stroke 2012.43(7):1849-57 (SCI) ( I F= 6.018;R/C= 11/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

75.    Kuan YC, Shih YH, Chen C, Yu HY, Yiu CH, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Yen DJ . Abdominal auras in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis. Epilepsy & Behavior 2012; 25 (2012) 386–390(SCI) ( I F= 2.061;R/C= 32/49,BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES )

76.    Chen TC and Lin YY *.High neuromagnetic activation in the left prefrontal and frontal cortices correlates with better memory performance for abstract words. Brain and Language 2012;123 (2012) 42–51(SCI) ( I F= 3.309;R/C= 1/22,AUDIOLOGY & SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY )

77.    Wang CH, Hung CP, Chen MT, Shih YH, Lin YY. *.Hippocampal desynchronization of functional connectivity prior to the onset of status epilepticus in pilocarpine-treated rats. PLoS ONE 2012 7(6): e39763 (SCI) ( I F= 3.534;R/C= 8/55,MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES )

78.    Feng JY, Huang SF, Ting WY, Chen YC, Lin YY; Huang RM, Lin CH, Hwang JJ, Lee JJ, Yu MC, Yu KW, Lee YC, Su WJ. Gender differences in treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients in Taiwan - a prospective observational study. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2012 18(9):E331-7 ( I F=5.197 ;R/C= 7/72,INFECTIOUS DISEASES )

79.    Hsu YF, Huang YZ, Lin YY, Liao KK, Lee PL, Tsai YA, Yeh CL, Cheng HL, Cheng H, Chern CM, Lee IH*. Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation over Ipsilesional Primary Motor Cortex of Subacute Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study. Brain Stimulation 2012 6(2):166-174(SCI) ( I F= 5.432;R/C= 16/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

80.    Chen WT, Wang SJ *, Fuh JL, Ko YC, Lee YC, MS Hämäläinen, Lin YY *. Visual cortex excitability and plasticity associated with remission from chronic to episodic migraine. Cephalalgia 2012 32(7):537-43 (SCI) ( I F= 4.121;R/C= 32/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

81.    Hung YW, Yang DI, Huang PY, Lee TS,Terry B.J. Kuob, Yiu CH, Shih YH, Lin YY *. The duration of sustained convulsive seizures determines the pattern of hippocampal neurogenesis and the development of spontaneous epilepsy in rats. Epilepsy Research 2012,98:206-215 (SCI) ( I F= 2.190;R/C= 96/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

82.    Lin KP, Liao KK, Lai KL, Lin YY, Chiou SY, Wu ZA, Chen JT. Effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Motor Cortex on Pain Perception and Nociceptive Reflex. Chinese Journal of Physiology 2012 30;55(3):163-8 (SCI) ( I F= 1.275;R/C= 65/81,PHYSIOLOGY )

83.    Hsu WY, Cheng CH, Lin MW, Shih YH, Liao KK, Lin YY *.Antiepileptic effects of low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation : a meta-analysis. Epilepsy Research 2011, 96(3):231-40(SCI) ( I F= 2.190;R/C= 96/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

84.    Chen WT, Wang SJ *, Fuh JL, Lin CP, Ko YC, Lin YY *. Persistent ictal-like visual cortical excitability in chronic migraine, Pain 2011, 152: 254-258.(SCI) ( I F= 5.836;R/C= 12/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

85.    Cheng CH, Wang PN, Hsu WY, and Lin YY *. Inadequate inhibition of redundant auditory inputs in Alzheimer’s disease: An MEG study. Biological Psychology 2011, 89 :365– 373(SCI) ( I F= 3.473;R/C= 16/74,PHYSIOLOGY )

86.    Cheng CH and Lin YY *. The effects of aging on lifetime of auditory sensory memory in humans. Biological Psychology 2011,89 :306– 312(SCI) ( I F= 3.473;R/C= 16/74,PHYSIOLOGY )

87.    Kuan YC, Yen DJ, Yiu CH, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Chou CC, Yu HY.Treatment-seeking behavior of people with epilepsy in Taiwan: a preliminary study. Epilepsy & Behavior 2011 Oct;22(2):308-12(SCI) ( I F= 2.061;R/C= 32/49,BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES )

88.    Chen WT #, Lin YY #, JL Fuh, Matti S. Hämäläinen, Ko YC, Wang SJ. Sustained Visual Cortex Hyperexcitability in Migraine with Persistent Visual Aura. Brain 2011, 134:2387-95(SCI) ( I F= 10.226;R/C= 5/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

89.    Hsu YF, Liao KK, Lee PL, Tsai YA, Yeh CL, Lai KL, Huang YZ, Lin YY, Lee IH. Intermittent theta burst stimulation over primary motor cortex enhances movement-related beta Synchronization. Clinical Neurophysiology 2011, 122 2260–2267(SCI) ( I F= 2.979;R/C= 60/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

90.    Kao CD, Lin KP, Chen JT, Chang JB, Guo WY, Lin YY, Liao KK. Preserved motor-evoked potentials but without good motor recovery in a patient with decerebrate rigidity, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2011, 74: 37-39. (SCI) ( I F= 0.889;R/C= 96/156,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL )

91.    Chen CY, Yang CC, Lin YY, Kuo TB. Locomotion-induced hippocampal theta is independent of visual information in rats during movement through a pipe, Behavioural Brain Research 2011, 216: 699-704.(SCI) ( I F= 3.391;R/C= 14/49,BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ). 

92.    Feng JY, Su WJ, Chiu YC, Huang SF, Lin YY, Huang RM, Lin CH, Hwang JJ, Lee JJ, Yu MC, Yu KW, Lee YC. Initial presentations predict mortality in pulmonary tuberculosis patients--a prospective observational study. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e23715. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023715. Epub 2011 Sep 13.PMID: 21931610

93.    Yu HY, Yen DJ, Yiu CH, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Hsu SP, Shih YH. Postoperative interictal epileptiform discharge within 1 month is associated with seizure recurrence after anterior temporal lobectomy. Epilepsy & Behavior 2010, 19: 436-440.(SCI) ( I F= 2.061;R/C= 32/49,BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES )

94.    Lo YC, Lin KP, Lin CY, Kao CD, Chen JT, Lai KL, Lin YY, Lee YC, Liao KK. Fatigue as the only clinical manifestation of colchicine induced myopathy, Acta Neurol Taiwan 2010, 19: 180-184.

95.    Lin KP, Lo YC, Lin CY, Chen JT, Lin YY, Lee YC, Liao KK. Fatigue in colchicine myopathy: a study of transcranial magnetic stimulation, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2010, 73: 623-627. ( I F= 0.889;R/C= 96/156,MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL )

96.    Hsu WY, Cheng CH, Lin HC, Liao KK, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Lin YY *. Memory-based mismatch response to changes in duration of auditory stimuli: an MEG study, Clinical Neurophysiology 2010, 121: 1744-1750.(SCI) ( I F= 2.979;R/C= 60/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY)

97.    Hsiao FJ, Cheng CH, Liao KK, Lin YY *. Cortico-cortical phase synchrony in auditory mismatch processing, Biological Psychology 2010, 84: 336-345.(SCI) ( I F= 3.473;R/C= 16/74,PHYSIOLOGY )

98.    Cheng CH, Hsu WY, Shih YH, Lin HC, Liao KK, Wu ZA, Lin YY *. Differential cerebral reactivity to shortest and longer tones: neuromagnetic and behavioral evidence, Hearing Research 2010, 268: 260-270.(SCI) ( I F= 2.848;R/C= 2/22,AUDIOLOGY & SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY )

99.    Yu HY, Shih YH, Su TP, Shan IK, Yiu CH, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Yen DJ. The Wada memory test and prediction of outcome after anterior temporal lobectomy. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2010 17(7):857-61. ( IF= 1.318;R/C= 151/194,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY )

100.    Yu HY, Shih YH, Su TP, Lin KN, Yiu CH, Lin YY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Yen DJ. Preoperative IQ predicts seizure outcomes after anterior temporal lobectomy, Seizure 2009, 18: 639-643.(SCI)

101.    Lin YY. Hilbert-Huang transform analysis of neuromagnetic Mu rhythm in Parkinson’s disease., J Chin Med Assoc 2009, 72(Supplement).

102.    Lin CY, Yeh YC, Lai KL, Chen JT, Wang SJ, Lin YY, Liao KK. High-frequency somatosensory evoked potentials of normal subjects, Acta Neurol Taiwan 2009, 18: 180-186.

103.    Lee PL, Shang LZ, Wu YT, Shu CH, Hsieh JC, Lin YY, Wu CH, Liu YL, Yang CY, Sun CW, Shyu KK. Single-trial analysis of cortical oscillatory activities during voluntary movements using empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based spatiotemporal approach, Ann Biomed Eng 2009, 37: 1683-1700. (SCI)

104.    Hsiao FJ, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Lin YY *. Theta oscillation during auditory change detection: An MEG study, Biol Psychol 2009, 81: 58-66.(SCI)

105.    Chen WT, Wang SJ *, Fuh JL, Lin CP, Ko YC, Lin YY *. Peri-ictal normalization of visual cortex excitability in migraine: an MEG study, Cephalalgia 2009, 29: 1202-1211.(SCI)

106.    Hsu WY*, Cheng CH, Lin HC, Lin YY. Memory-based mismatch negativity response to auditory duration change: an MEG study.  The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society. 2009, 22:134-135. (Kanazawa, Japan)

107.    Chen TC, Cheng CH*, Lin YY. Preattentive M50 response and magnetic mismatch negativity in the elderly and Alzheimer’s disease.  The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society. 2009, 22:140-131.(Kanazawa, Japan)

108.    Tseng YJ *, Chen RS, Lin HC, Lin YY. Effects of writing on neuromagnetic somatosensory responses., The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 2009, 22: 164-165. (Kanazawa, Japan)

109.    Cheng CH*, Hsu WY, Lin HC, Lin YY. Particular sensitivity of human auditory cortices to short tones. The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society. 2009, 22:136-137. (Kanazawa, Japan)

110.    Lin YY *. How to interpret magnetic source imaging data for individual patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. , The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 2009, 22: 78-79. (Kanazawa, Japan)

111.    Liao KK, Chen JT, Lai KL, Liu CY, Lin CY, Lin YY, Yu BK J, Wu Z-A. Effect of Sacral Neuromodulation on the Spinal Nociceptive Reflex of Patients With Idiopathic Overactive Bladder, Neuromodulation 2008, 11: 50-55.(SCI)

112.    Liao KK, Chen JT, Lai KL, Liu CY, Lin CY, Lin YY, Yu BK, Wu ZA. Effect of sacral-root stimulation on the motor cortex in patients with idiopathic overactive bladder syndrome, Neurophysiol Clin 2008, 38: 39-43.(SCI)

113.    Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Liao KK, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Lin YY *. Oscillatory characteristics of nociceptive responses in the SII cortex, Can J Neurol Sci 2008, 35: 630-637.(SCI)

114.    Yu HY, Chen JT, Wu ZA, Yeh TC, Ho LT, Lin YY *. Side of the stimulated ear influences the hemispheric balance in coding tonal stimuli, Neurol Res 2007, 29: 517-522.(SCI)

115.    Lin YY *, Hsiao FJ, Shih YH, Yiu CH, Yen DJ, Kwan SY, Wong TT, Wu ZA, LT Ho. Plastic phase-locking and magnetic mismatch response to auditory deviants in temporal lobe epilepsy, Cereb Cortex 2007, 17: 2516-2525.(SCI) ( I F= 8.305;R/C= 16/252,NEUROSCIENCES )

116.    Liao KK, Chen JT, Lai KL, Lin CY, Liu CY, Kao CD, Lin YY, ZA Wu. Brainstem Excitability is Increased in Subjects with Palmomental Reflex, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2007, 106: 601-608.

117.    Chen WT, Ko YC, Yuan RY, Hsiao FJ, Wang SJ, Lin CP, Lin YY *. Altered neuromagnetic responses to pattern reversal visual stimulation in patients with migraine., International Congress Series 2007, 1300: 531-534.(SCI)

118.    Wu YZ, Yang TH, Lin YY, Chen SS, Liao KK, Chen LF, Yeh TC, Wu YT, Ho LT, Hsieh JC. Dimensional complexity of neuromagnetic activity reduced during finger movement of greater difficulty, Clin Neurophysiol 2006, 117: 2473-2481.(SCI)

119.    Lin YY *, Liao KK, Chen JT, Yeh TC, Shih YH, Wu ZA, Ho LT. Neural correlates of Chinese word-appropriateness judgment: an MEG study, Int J Psychophysiol 2006, 62: 122-133.(SCI)

120.    Lin YY *, Hsiao FJ, Chang KP, Wu ZA, Ho LT. Bilateral oscillations for lateralized spikes in benign rolandic epilepsy, Epilepsy Res 2006, 69: 45-52.(SCI)

121.    Liao KK, Chen JT, Lai KL, Kao CD, Lin CY, Liu CY, Lin YY, Shan DE, Wu ZA. Mentalis muscle responses to median nerve stimulation, Chin J Physiol 2006, 49: 174-181.(SCI)

122.    Hsiao FJ, Lin YY *, Hsieh JC, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Chang Y *. Oscillatory characteristics of face-evoked neuromagnetic responses, Int J Psychophysiol 2006, 61: 113-120.(SCI)

123.    Chen WT, Yuan RY, Shih YH, Yeh TC, Hung DL, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Lin YY *. Neuromagnetic SII responses do not fully reflect pain scale, Neuroimage 2006, 31: 670-676.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

124.    Lin YY *, Chen WT, Liao KK, Yeh TC, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Lee LS. Differential generators for N20m and P35m responses to median nerve stimulation, Neuroimage 2005, 25: 1090-1099.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

125.    Lin YY *, Chen WT, KK Liao, TC Yeh, ZA Wu, LT Ho. Hemispheric balance in coding speech and non-speech sounds in Chinese participants, Neuroreport 2005, 16: 469-473.(SCI)

126.    YY Kung, Chen FP, Hwang SJ, Hsieh JC, Lin YY. Convulsive syncope: an unusual complication of acupuncture treatment in older patients, J Altern Complement Med 2005, 11: 535-537.(SCI)

127.    Hsiao FJ, Hsieh JC, Lin YY, Chang Y. The effects of face spatial frequencies on cortical processing revealed by magnetoencephalography, Neurosci Lett 2005, 380: 54-59.(SCI)

128.    Chen WT, Ko YC, Liao KK, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Wu ZA, Ho LT, Lin YY *. Optimal check size and reversal rate to elicit pattern-reversal MEG responses, Can J Neurol Sci 2005, 32: 218-224.(SCI)

129.    Chen JT, Lin YY, Shan DE, Wu ZA, M Hallett, Liao KK. Effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on bimanual movements, J Neurophysiol 2005, 93: 53-63.(SCI)

130.    Wong WJ, Chen JT, Kao CD, Shan DE, Lin YY, Hu HH, Wu ZA, Liao KK. Transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with transient ischemic attacks, J Chin Med Assoc 2004, 67: 229-234.

131.    Kao CD, Niu DM, Chen JT, Shan DE, Lin YY, Wu ZA, Liao KK. Subtle brain dysfunction in treated 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase deficiency: relationship to motor tasks and neurophysiological tests, Brain Dev 2004, 26: 93-98.(SCI)

132.    Chou CW, Yu HY, Shih YH, Yiu CH, Kwan SY, Yen DJ, Lin YY *. Lateralisation value of lower limb behaviors in complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin: a video-EEG analysis, Seizure 2004, 13: 35-39.(SCI)

133.    Chen JT, Lin YY, Lee YC, Soong BW, Wu ZA, Liao KK. Prolonged central motor conduction time of lower limb muscle in spinocerebellar ataxia 6, J Clin Neurosci 2004, 11: 381-383.(SCI)

134.    L Po-Hung Li, Shiao AS, Lin YY, Chen LF, DM Niddam, Chang SY, Lien CF, Chou NS, Ho LT, Hsieh JC. Healthy-side dominance of cortical neuromagnetic responses in sudden hearing loss. Ann Neurol 2003, 53: 810-815.(SCI)

135.    Lin YY *, Yiu CH, Yu HY, Hsieh JC, Kwan SY, Yen DJ, Chang KP, Shih YH, Wong TD. Magnetoencephalographic characteristics of interictal spikes in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy., Acta Neurol Taiwan 2003, 12: 15-23.

136.    Lin YY *, Wu ZA, Hsieh JC, Yu HY, Kwan SY, Yen DJ, Yiu CH, Ho LT. Magnetoencephalographic study of rhythmic mid-temporal discharges in non-epileptic and epileptic patients, Seizure 2003, 12: 220-225.(SCI)

137.    Lin YY *, Shih YH, Hsieh JC, Yu HY, Yiu CH, Wong TT, Yeh TC, Kwan SY, Ho LT, Yen DJ, Wu ZA, Chang MS. Magnetoencephalographic yield of interictal spikes in temporal lobe epilepsy. Comparison with scalp EEG recordings, Neuroimage 2003, 19: 1115-1126.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

138.    Lin YY *, Shih YH, Chen JT, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Liao KK, Kao CD, Lin KP, Wu ZA, Ho LT. Differential effects of stimulus intensity on peripheral and neuromagnetic cortical responses to median nerve stimulation, Neuroimage 2003, 20: 909-917.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

139.    Lin YY *, Shih YH, Chang KP, Lee WT, Yu HY, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Wu ZA, Ho LT. MEG localization of rolandic spikes with respect to SI and SII cortices in benign rolandic epilepsy, Neuroimage 2003, 20: 2051-2061.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

140.    Lin YY *, M Kajola. Neuromagnetic somatosensory responses to natural moving tactile stimulation, Can J Neurol Sci 2003, 30: 31-35.(SCI)

141.    Lin YY *, Chang KP, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Yu HY, Kwan SY, Yen DJ, Yiu CH, R Hari. Magnetoencephalographic analysis of bilaterally synchronous discharges in benign rolandic epilepsy of childhood, Seizure 2003, 12: 448-455.(SCI)

142.    Lin YY *. Neuroimaging studies in epilepsy: A review of related publications by Taiwanese scientists., Acta Neurol Taiwan 2003, Suppl 1: 334-336.

143.    Kao CD, Chen JT, Lee YC, Shan DE, Lin YY, Chen R, C PST, Wu ZA, Liao KK. Using electrodiagnostic machine to study movement rhythm variation., J Chin Med Assoc 2003, 66: 587-592.

144.    Lin YY *, Yu HY, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Chang KP, Yiu CH, Kwan SY, Yen DJ, Shih YH, Wong TD. Magnetoencephalography and its usefulness in epilepsy surgery.  Chinese J Radiology 2002, 27: 273-279.

145.    Lin YY *, N Forss. Functional characterization of human second somatosensory cortex by magnetoencephalography, Behav Brain Res 2002, 135: 141-145.(SCI)

146.    Yu HY, Yiu CH, Yen DJ, Chen C, Guo YC, Kwan SY, Lin YY, Shih YH. Lateralizing value of early head turning and ictal dystonia in temporal lobe seizures: a video-EEG study. Seizure 2001, 10: 428-432.(SCI)

147.    N Murayama, Lin YY, S Salenius, R Hari. Oscillatory interaction between human motor cortex and trunk muscles during isometric contraction, Neuroimage 2001, 14: 1206-1213.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

148.    Lin YY *, C Simoes, N Forss, R Hari. Differential effects of muscle contraction from various body parts on neuromagnetic somatosensory responses, Neuroimage 2000, 11: 334-340.(SCI) ( I F= 6.132;R/C= 2/14,NEUROIMAGING )

149.    Lin YY, Yen SH, Pan JT, Su MS, Wu ZA, Chan SH *. Transient elevation in plasma prolactin level in rats with temporal lobe status epilepticus, Neurology 1999, 53: 885-887.(SCI)

150.    Yen DJ, Yiu CH, Kwan SY, Lin YY, Su MS. Lamotrigine as add-on therapy in adult patients with refractory epilepsy, Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 1997, 59: 303-307.

151.    Lin YY, Su MS, Yiu CH, Shih YH, Yen DJ, Kwan SY, Wu ZA, Chan SH *. Relationship between mesial temporal seizure focus and elevated serum prolactin in temporal lobe epilepsy, Neurology 1997, 49: 528-532.(SCI)

152.    Kuo TB, Yien HW, Hseu SS, Yang CC, Lin YY, Lee LC, Chan SH. Diminished vasomotor component of systemic arterial pressure signals and baroreflex in brain death, Am J Physiol 1997, 273: H1291-1298.(SCI)

153.    Yen DJ, Su MS, CH Yiu, Shih, Kwan SY, Tsai CP, Lin YY. Ictal speech manifestations in temporal lobe epilepsy: a video-EEG study, Epilepsia 1996, 37: 45-49.(SCI)

154.    Lin YY, Yiu CH, Kwan SY, Tu YF, Wong TT, Chang KP, Su MS. Hypothalamic hamartoma and gelastic epilepsy: a case report, Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 1995, 55: 78-82.

155.    Lin YY, Tsai CP, Ting YC, Lin KP, Liao KK, Kao KP, Wang SJ. Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion in multifocal demyelinating motor neuropathy: a case report, Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 1995, 56: 66-69.

156.    Lin YY, Su MS, Yiu CH, Kwan SY, Tu YF, Guo WY, Wong TT, Chang KP. Startle epilepsy presenting as drop attacks: a case report., Chin Med J 1995, 56: 270-273.

157.    Chang DB, Lin YY, Guo WY, Wang S, Tsai CP, Lin KP, Liao KK. Midbrain hemorrhage presenting as bilateral ptosis without hemiplegia: a case report, Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 1995, 55: 185-188.

158.    Lin YY, Liao KK, Wang SJ, Tang S, Tsai CP, Wu ZA. Masseter silent period: a study of magnetic stimulation, Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1994, 93: 404-406.(SCI)

159.   Gue JW, Wang SJ, Lin YY, Liao KK, Wong WW. Neurosyphilis presenting as tabes dorsalis in a HIV carrier, Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 1993, 51: 389-391.
