臺北榮民總醫院 續優教師獎 (2024)
臺北榮民總醫院 實習醫學生票選最佳教學主治醫師 (2021, 2022)
陽明交通大學醫學系 學生評量優良教師琉璃獎座 (2021)
臺灣臨床失智症學會 學術獎 臨床研究組佳作 (2020)
臺北榮民總醫院 PGY票選優良教師 (2019)
臺灣腦中風學會 優秀論文獎 臨床醫學類特優 (2018)
- Ling YH, Chi NF, Pan LL, Wang YF, Wu CH, Lirng JF, Fuh JL, Wang SJ, Chen SP (2023, Dec). Association Between Impaired Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation and BBB Disruption in Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 24:170.
- Chang LH, Chi NF, Chen CY, Lin YS, Hsu SL, Tsai JY, Huang HC, Lin CJ, Chung CP, Tung CY, Jeng CJ, Lee YC, Liu YT, Lee IH (2023, Aug). Monogenic Causes in Familial Stroke Across Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Ischemic Stroke Subtypes Identified by Whole-Exome Sequencing.. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 43(6):2769-2783.
- Chi NF, Chung CP, Cheng HM, Liu CH, Lin CJ, Hsu LC, Tang SC, Lee JT, Po HL, Jeng JS, Wang TD, Lee IH; Taiwan Stroke Society Guideline Consensus Group. (2022, Jun). 2021 Taiwan Stroke Society Guidelines of blood pressure control for ischemic stroke prevention. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association , 85(6):651-664.
- Zhu M, Lee TXY, Hsieh YW, Lai LF, Condello G, Donnelly CJ, Smith M, Hamzah SH, Lim BH, Huang CY, Chi NF*, Kuo CH*. (2022, May). Vascular function in the aging human brain during muscle exertion.. Aging, 4(9):3910-3920.
- Chen WT, Chi NF, Cheng HM, Ko YT, Chuang SY, Pan WH, Chen CH, Chung CP, Wang PN (2022, Feb). Associations Between Cerebral Vasoreactivity and Cognitive Function in the Middle-Aged Non-Demented Population. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 86(2):679-690.
- Chen YL, Chi NF, Chiou HY, Hu CJ, Jeng JS, Tang SC, Lin HJ, Hsieh YC (2022, Jan). Application of hyperglycemia/diabetes-derived polygenic risk scores on the risk of poor outcomes after an ischemic stroke.. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 85(1):81-87.
- Chi NF, Chang TH, Lee CY, Wu YW, Shen TA, Chan L, Chen YR, Chiou HY, Hsu CY, Hu CJ (2021, Jan). Untargeted metabolomics predicts the functional outcome of ischemic stroke. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 120(1 Pt 1):234-24. MOST 106-2314-B-038-043.
- Lee TH, Yang JT, Lin JR, Hu CJ, Chou WH, Lin CP, Chi NF (2020, Nov). Protective effects of ischemic preconditioning against neuronal apoptosis and dendritic injury in the hippocampus are age-dependent. Journal of Neurochemistry, 155(4):430-447.
- Chi NF, Chiou HY, Chou SY, Hu CJ, Chen KY, Chang CF, Hsieh YC (2020, Aug). Hyperglycemia-related FAS gene and hsa-let-7b-5p as markers of poor outcomes for ischaemic stroke. European Journal of Neurology, 27(8):1647-1655. MOST 106-2314-B-038-040-MY3.
- Chi NF, Hu HH, Chan L, Wang CY, Chao SP, Huang LK, Ku HL, Hu CJ (2020, Jul). Impaired cerebral autoregulation is associated with poststroke cognitive impairment. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 7(7):1092-1102. MOST 106-2314-B-038-001.
1. 葉旭霖,紀乃方。神經超音波之神經急重症評估。神經超音波(ISBN:9789867364739)。力大圖書。
2. 林肇鋒,紀乃方。血流動力監測(Hemodynamic monitoring of neurocritically ill patients)。高級神經救命術(Advanced Neurological Life Support ANLS)(ISBN:9789867364746)。力大圖書